We know that all things work together

For Good 

For Those Who Love God, Who Are Called According To His Purpose

St. Paul's is a faithful, worshipping, and affirming Episcopal parish grounded in the Anglican prayer book tradition.

Faith, Hope, and Love

Life in Christ calls everyone to transformation through baptism into the Body of Christ and a life set apart from fear, isolation, despair, and animosity. Become part of the Church and join the community at St. Paul's in being Christ's Body in the Dayton area. 

Mass Times

Sunday Mornings

with coffee and fellowship  after services

Sunday Evening  GROW!

(2nd & 4th Sundays)
followed by food, fellowship and formation for children and adults
Morning Prayer is said Tuesday and Friday in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at 9:30.
All are welcome to join in person or online. 

Come, Let us Adore Him


Everything we do at St. Paul's is about worship. In the sacraments, in our work, and in our common life together we encounter Jesus. Click the button below for more information or click the image to watch our most recent mass. 


GROW! is an intergenerational worship, fellowship, and formation opportunity that meets monthly every second and fourth Sunday from 5-7pm.

Join us for this exciting worship, fellowship, and learning opportunity. GROW! begins with a short Eucharist, followed immediately by a common dinner and fellowship. The fellowship continues with formation opportunities for adults and children. 

The Daily Office

In addition to Sunday, worship at St. Paul’s happens Tuesday and Friday in the form of Morning Prayer at 9:30am in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. Join us in person and online. 


We are a diverse community, gathered from all around the Dayton area. Join us after Mass and throughout the week for fellowship, conversation, and encouragement.


Opportunities to make and hear music abound, from Sunday morning worship to special services and concerts throughout the year. 

Education for all ages

From classes, book groups, and bible studies for adults to youth group and an outstanding Godly Play program for children, we offer something for everyone.

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