
Go, and do!

In September 2020, the diocesan Formation Team came together with the charge, “Go, and do!” We were tasked with finding out the best ways that parishes, parishioners and priests could be served by formation opportunities throughout the diocese, and with helping to showcase the valuable and important formation work that parishes are already doing. Then to supplement all of it by creating learning opportunities through the learning portal, Zoom courses and opportunities for the diocese to gather.

Since September we have had the chance to listen and learn alongside of our diocesan community and then create what people are asking for. In December we had the privilege to host a virtual Young Adult retreat and be with young people from across the country to “Be Still and Know.” Early in the Spring we answered the call of Bishop Price to create a Zoom Confirmation course for folks of all ages who had to miss out on being confirmed in 2020 due to the pandemic. Currently, we are working on Forming, a podcast where we have the chance to talk with and interview folks to learn more about the ways we are all living out our Christian callings and what is going on around our diocese to give more opportunities to live into that for everyone.

The opportunity to work on a team as a ‘three-legged-stool’ and approach formation using the gifts we each bring to the table has given us the chance to be in three places at once and learn from parishioners and each other to quickly adjust to what is needed. In 2021 and 2022 we have planned exciting opportunities to partner, teach, learn, travel, and form each other and we hope that you will continue to join us!

Look out for:

  • Forming, released every Friday, can be found on the Formation page of the diocesan website to download, or wherever you get your podcasts.
  • Young Adult and Youth opportunities for folks to gather and connect to a community as they engage in the world and discern who they will be and how they will serve in the world. 
  • Accessible Lay Leader trainings so that our parish leaders can become certified or renew certifications to continue serving.
  • Partnerships with Becoming Beloved Community, the Creation Care Task Force, and TEC’s The Way of Love 
  • More opportunities to learn through video offerings and courses in the DSO Learning Portal 
  • Our Formation newsletter to stay up to date each week with trainings, formation opportunities, and what TEC and DSO are doing. 
  • The things that your parish needs and additional resources to help support you. You are not alone! 

Please connect with us so that we can better engage in the diocese and learn what your parish could benefit from. We are a team that exists to support you

The Formation team members are the Rev. Christopher Richardson (, the Rev. Jason Oden ( and Emma Helms-Steinmetz (