
What to Expect at Diocesan Convention


Diocesan Convention is the annual business meeting of the diocese and is typically held the second weekend in November. Convention conducts elections, votes on the budget, resolutions, any other actions presented, and hears reports. Voting delegates include clergy of the diocese and elected lay representatives from each congregation. Ex-officio members of convention (who are entitled to seat and voice, but not vote) and many visitors (who may observe only) also come to convention.

Nominee Forum

Held during the Pre-Convention Meeting, the nominee forum gives delegates an opportunity to hear from each of the nominees for the elective positions.

Business sessions of the Convention

The bishop presides over the business sessions. The meetings are organized by the bishop and subject to the Rules of Order as well as the Constitution and Canons of the diocese. The actions of convention are captured and published in the annual diocesan journal.


A central component of convention is the opportunity to worship together as the body of Christ.

Bishop’s Address

This is the bishop’s opportunity to talk to both clergy and lay representatives from every congregation. The address typically includes reflection on the accomplishments of the past year as well as energy about the vision and mission for the coming year.


The bishop makes several appointments, some of which need the consent of the convention. Those requiring consent are: the secretary (and any assistants), parliamentarian, chief teller, committee to review the minutes, treasurer, registrar and the finance committee.


Delegates elect leaders for several positions, including Diocesan Council, Standing Committee and the Budget Committee. Every three years, delegates elect deputies for General Convention. A majority is required for election. 


Delegates may submit a resolution to diocesan convention asking for a particular stand on a public policy issue or adoption of a practice by congregations. Resolutions must be filed 45 days before the start of convention for review by a resolutions committee. These resolutions are screened by the committee and then distributed to the diocese for consideration. Resolutions also may be presented from the floor, but must receive two-thirds vote to be considered by delegates. Hearings for the resolutions are held during the pre-convention meetings. This is the time when delegates can ask resolution sponsors questions about the proposal. There also is debate on the floor of convention, but this time is more rigid, guided by Roberts Rules and the convention’s Rules of Order. Voting is initially done by voice vote. If there is no clear majority, the bishop may call for a count by standing or raising hands. 


The diocesan budget is prepared by the Budget Committee and recommended to convention by Diocesan Council. The proposed budget is included in convention materials online and in the printed convention issue of Connections. Hearings for the budget are held during the pre-convention meeting. Final debate and the vote are completed at convention.


All diocesan committees and organizations are asked to present a written report that is available online. A few reports may be presented orally at convention. These reports contain important information about the mission and activities of the various commissions. The reports are included in the official journal.


Various diocesan committees, Episcopal organizations and local merchants are present at convention. The exhibits offer information, resources, networking and gifts.